Nakup plovila za Charter Management

Predstavljajte si, da imate v lasti jadrnico ali motorno barko, ki vam ne zagotavlja le nepozabnih spominov na morju, temveč tudi ustvarja stalen pasivni dohodek. Charter management je odločna izbira za tiste, ki jadrnice ali motornega čolna ne nameravajo uporabljati vse tedne sezone.

Kaj je investicija v Charter Management?

Investicija v Charter Management je edinstvena naložbena priložnost, ki vam omogoča, da imate v lasti jadrnico / motorno barko, medtem ko vse operativne in upravne odgovornosti prenesete na specializirano podjetje za upravljanje s charter plovili (Charter operater). Vi se osredotočite na uživanje na morju in finančne koristi, medtem ko Charter operater poskrbi za iskanje strank, upravljanje dejavnosti in urejanje vseh s tem povezanih dokumentov.

Prednosti investicije v Charter Management z nami

Pasivni dohodek iz charter managementa:

Čarterske stranke najemajo vaše plovilo, vi pa uživate v stalnem viru dohodka.

Strokovno upravljanje:

Prepustite zapletenost lastništva plovila izkušenim strokovnjakom za upravljanje čarterskih plovil.

Davčne ugodnosti:

Izkoristite davčne ugodnosti, povezane z nakupom jadrnice/motornega čolna; 40 % vrednosti plovila se odšteje od osnove davka na dobiček vašega podjetja.

Owner weeks:

Uporabljajte svojo jadrnico nekaj tednov na leto in doživite čudovite spomine na morju.

Pokriti stroški:

Vse stroške plovila pokrijete s prihodki, ki jih ustvarite z upravljanjem čarterja.

Agencijska podpora:

Naša agencija bo aktivno tržila in prodajala vaše plovilo, da bi zagotovila rezervacijo v prostih tednih.

Posredniška podpora:

Če se odločite, da boste plovilo umaknili iz charterskega sistema in ga dali v prodajo, smo vam kot pooblaščeni zastopniki za Jeanneau na voljo za pomoč pri prodaji plovila ali pri povezovanju s potencialnimi kupci.

Kaj je treba upoštevati, preden se podate v Charter Management investicijo?


Izbira modela:

Izberite plovilo, ki ustreza vašim želenim strankam in ima potencial za visoko zasedenost.

Izbira opreme:

Če boste plovilo dodatno opremili z boljšo opremo in aparati, bo vaša začetna investicija višja, vendar vam bo omogočila zaračunavanje višjih tedenskih cen.

Charter operater:

Imamo svoje partnerje in preverjene Charter operaterje v vseh državah/regijah v Jadranskem morju: razmislite o tem, kjer želite, da je stacionirano vaše plovilo.

Stroški operaterja:

Charter operaterji običajno zaračunajo 15 % neto prihodkov s strani Charterja za kritje stroškov poslovanja

Raziskava trga:

Realistične finančne projekcije, ki temeljijo na raziskavi trga, specifikacijah plovila in ocenjenih cenah najema, vam omogočajo, da ocenite potencialno donosnost naložbe.

Negotov prihodek:

Prihodki od najemov so odvisni od povpraševanja na trgu in sezonskih nihanj, zato so nekoliko nepredvidljiv.

Če je investicija v Charter Management zastavljena pravilno in učinkovito, je to lahko odlično naložbena priložnost, ki vam omogoča pasivni dohodek in uživanje v tednih na morju.

Tu smo, da vam pomagamo, svetujemo in vas vodimo pri izbiri najboljšega plovila Jeanneau za vaše potrebe.



Turn your passion for sailing into a business opportunity!

Imagine owning a sailing / motor yacht that not only provides you with unforgettable memories on the sea but also generates a steady passive income.

What is Charter Management Investment?

Charter management is a unique investment tool that allows you to own a sailing / motor boat while delegating all the operational and administrative responsibilities to a specialized charter operating company. You focus on enjoying the sea and the financial benefits, while the operating company takes care of finding charter clients, managing the operations, and handling all the associated paperwork.

Benefits of Charter Management Investing with us

Passive income:

Enjoy a consistent source of income as charter clients rent your boat.

Expert management:

Delegate the complexities of boat ownership to experienced charter management professionals.

Maintenance and repairs:

Our partners take care of all maintenance and repairs which we coordinate directly with them, leaving you out of the hassle.

Tax advantages:

Benefit from tax advantages associated with buying a sailing / motor boat - 40 % of the value of the boat is subtracted from your company's income tax base.

Owner weeks:

Use your boat for a few weeks each year and experience great memories on the sea.

Covered costs:

All yacht costs are covered with the income that is generated through charter management

Agency support:

Our Charter Agency will actively market and do selling activities to guarantee booking within the free weeks.

Brokerage support:

If you decide to pull your boat from the charter system and put it up for sale, we, as authorized Jeanneau dealers, are here to assist you in selling the boat or connecting you with potential buyers.

What to consider before going into Charter management investing?


Model selection:

Choose a boat that aligns with your desired charter clientele and has the potential for high occupancy, ensuring a steady stream of charter bookings.

Equipment selection:

Filling your boat with extra gadgets and equipment will higher your initial investment but it will allow you to charge higher weekly prices.

Charter operating company:

Think about where you want your boat to be stationed - We have our partners and vetted Charter operating companies in every country / region in the Adriatic sea

Operating costs:

Charter operating companies typically charge 15% of charter net income to cover their operating costs

Market research:

Realistic financial projections based on market research, yacht specifications, and estimated charter rates, allowing you to assess the potential return on investment.

Uncertain income:

Charter income is dependent on market demand and seasonal fluctuations, making it somewhat unpredictable

When done correctly and efficiently, charter management investment can be a great investment tool that gives you the benefit of having a passive income and enjoying weeks on the sea.

We are here to help, advise and guide you to choosing the best Jeanneau boat for your needs.



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